Sing a New Song!

Intentionally adding to our rich musical tradition.

Original Compositions

Jewish music is ever-evolving and always growing to meet the needs of contemporary, modern Jews. With much influence from my folk, summer camp background, my undergraduate degree in composition, and now many years of cantorial study, I try to bring together all the ways Jewish music resonates for me personally into my own pieces, because I’m sure I’m not alone. Whether it’s in line with the mission of representing queer Jews, bringing musical interpretation to less familiar texts, or holding space for different interpretations of God, I strive to have reason for every piece of music I write.

New Music in Application

I have been honored with the opportunity to premiere many pieces of mine at Congregation Beth Elohim during my time as their Cantorial Intern. This more recent piece, titled, “Moving Along,” was presented on Shabbat Lech L’cha, as antisemetic actions have been rising in our country. The Jewish people’s story has always been one of perseverance, and I wrote this anthem to celebrate that history. See how many references to Jewish texts and stories you can catch in the lyrics!